Minggu, 03 Desember 2017

Beware EZP2013 is a FAKE product

EZP2013 is not a continuation of the legend EZP2010 High Speed USB Programmer. The hardware is similiar. Using chip C8051F340. But the software is different. It is similiar to SkyPro by Coright. It is considered as copycat of SkyPro. While SkyPro claims that they are ORIGINAL but it is just like EZP2010 with updated features. Software and Firmware also different. You can see the distinction is the colors of the icons in the software interface.

EZP2010 Software Interface:

EP01 EZP2013 JHW2013 CH2013B and SkyPro Software Interface:

If you bought EZP2013 by mistake or did not knew that it is a copycat of SkyPro. Do not upgrade firmware from Coright website here: http://www.coright.com/downloads/ep01/index.php because it is contains malware to destroy EZP2013 and copycat friends. It was trap that they provide download for their copycat in their official download page. Use Our Download Page instead. It is clean from the self-destruction procedure. Credit to taras-ua at NB1 Forums

1 komentar:

  1. I accidentally upgraded EZP2013, as mentioned up , and stopped working even not able to recognize the usb com , so is there any way or chances to clear it from malware to get it back ؟ Thank you
